Abandoned Factory Buildings
Release date: Jul 10, 2019
Abandoned Factory Buildings
Release date: Jul 10, 2019

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📷 Watch Walkthrough (before updates)
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Standard lighting pipeline: DEMO_5_00_AbandonedFactory, DEMO_5_00_OldStreet,
Lumen + Nanite: DEMO_5_01_AbandonedFactory, DEMO_5_01_OldStreet
Abandoned buildings in the middle of the old factory. The scene contains highly detailed objects like modular elevations, contains bricks, pipes, pallets, trash bags, and many more to build such a district. Most assets were built based on photogrammetry technique and properly optimized and hand-tweaked to work in real-time scenes on UE4/UE5. There were prepared two lighting setup day and night. This pack includes a mannequin by Epic Games for presentation
✅UPDATE 5 (ver 5.00 and higher)
-additional map of Old Street(merge with rest of the content to avoid duplicate assets)
-a lot of improvements, references fixes, extra cleanups, map merges etc.
-new bricks, new grounds, lightmap, collisions, and blueprints fixes
-new pawn with a simple menu and footprint system.
-nanite and lumen support for 5.1+
✅UPDATE 4 (ver 4.25 and higher)
-add detail maps to base materials
-better resolution for landscape textures
-improve levels by adding doors and fix lighting setup
-fixes for materials, textures
-fixes for UE5
new 80 meshes based on existing content, which will not only allow you to build interiors but also allow you to build levels easier, more modularly, and even create additional floors.
-new updated day-map with basic simple interiors to present what is possible with only this content
-we change some namespace to fix problems with too long file paths.
-we change mipmaps behavior. Right now textures should be sharp again
-more pre-build sets
-now foliage by default use lightmaps
-many small improvements.
✅UPDATE 1 (details on screenshot)
Check our other products here based on scans: Unreal Marketplace. And find out more information about us HERE
Technical Details
Be aware that Unreal 5 now has Lumen enabled by default. We still support a more game-ready pipeline, and you should disable this feature in your project settings to get results like our screenshots for 5.0. We added support for Lumen and Nanite with version 5.1+. Could look a little different than the original. You can check DEMO to see the differences.
- Demo scene included – two lighting setup (day/night), an overview map, and old street map(morning/red/night) with update 5
- game ready and optimized
- detail and atmospheric scene
Texture Sizes:
- 4096 for larger objects
- 2048 most props
- 1024 small props
- Terrain: 1024×1024
Collision: Yes
Vertex Count: 4 – 11,711 triangles
LODs: Yes, Auto generated
Number of Meshes: 110
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 127
Number of Textures: 189 (Color, Normal, Occlusion, Roughness, Metallic, Emissive)
Intended Platforms: Desktop, Console, VR
Platforms Tested: Windows PC (should work with others)
Important Notes:
There is support for UE5 and it works properly but be aware that the Demo map could look slightly different because of changes in the engine. Check the DEMO if any concerns.
Stunning asset
This one was perfect for me for a context similar to “Terminus” of The Walking Dead. Thank you guys, for making this
5/5 nice pack
5 Stars
Amazing realism!
Saw this set in a tutorial and just had tp pick it up. Great environment. Immersive and amazing quality, though I don’t expect any less from this team. Well done.
Amazing details
This team has made this map so detailed!!! As always!
Amazing quality and Support
Great looking assets. The pack gives you a lot of possibilites.
It´s worth every cent. Keep it up
Highly Detailed Pack With Great Support!
High quality meshs, there is a lot of possibilities!
Saw the trailer, and knew I had to have it
Saw the trailer, and knew I had to have it. Glad I waited for a sale though, expensive, and worth it, but it’s a steal on sale. Really great looking assets, especially love the night scene. Will go perfect for zombie game I wanna make. Really good FPS with great looking abandoned feel, you definitely feel like you’re playing in an abandoned world in the demo map. Probably worth full price, but I’m glad I got it on sale, and they updated the product a few times, which is always cool. Love the hard work that was clearly put into this, thanks!
High quality buildings
I was blown away with level set up. The static meshes of buildings are highly detailed. Very well done. I also love the light system for night time. Amazing work and reflection on puddles are great touch as well. You guys need to to check it out. Here is my review:
Perfect work!
I ran it on my CPU i3 3.60GHz 4-core, GeForce GTX 1050 2GB, 24GB ram. Everything works fine.
Good quality models and textures. Good optimization for background objects that shouldn’t be close.
Great visual decoration, there is something noir, inspirational.
Ran out of memory on an 8gb GPU…
I’m sure this product is great and the creator poured their heart and soul into it. However….
I’m on an AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT 6-core, 32gb ram, RX 570 8gb GPU and yet I can’t even load the preview maps to see how everything looks. I’ve adjusted the engine scalabilty all the way to low, and the material resolutions to lower number and the map still wouldn’t load due to a memory issue. You may want to tighten this up. There’s no reason why I should have to reduce my graphics when I have a PC that is perfectly capable of using this.
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Have you checked the solution we provided? Once again, please contact us by e-mail if you have any problems with our scene.
Scans Factory
Reply from Publisher
Hello, it should work perfect on your computer :) we work on this scene with gtx 970 without any problems :)
Maybe do you use filmic template and graphic memory is fully because high resolution of reflections in this template? First you can try with that :)
Please if that not help you write to us at scansfactory@gmail.com.
Scans Factory
Poor quality for anything other than background objects
Missing poly faces, stretching textures, and poor object design do not make this a good choice for anyone looking for a really modular option. Also, Something looks wrong with the materials and start looking very flat as you get closer.
This makes the set fine for background objects, creating fly-thoughs, movies, or static images, but a poor choice for a game where you can get close to the building objects.
Latest Reply from Publisher
Oh, it’s hit hard. Are You sure everything works correctly in your project? Should work and be visual as like with screenshots and video walkthrough where pawn is close to objects also. If not please write to us at scansfactory@gmail.com. If you found any problems with content let us know also. We will try to help with that.
We did extra efforts to present everything like it is in the description. I hope you can change your mind.
Scans Factory
very useful
just real good. Can’t ask for higher quality in terms of assets and usability.
Well worth it
Just everything looks good
good good
very goood
Awesome this is a great asset
Awesome this is a great asset
Very qualitatively
Very qualitatively
Top quality asset, very modular
High quality asset, modular and consistant.
It’s easy to use and offers nice variations to fill your level, with many elements.
The Day / Night implementation is a valuable plus !
Just beautiful
This set is great. If your after some great realism and something easy to use this is a great set to have. Lovely work.
Fantastic quality
Amazing asset pack
Wow, just wow!
This is my first review, and I’m doing it because this pack is AMAZING. The level of quality in the models, lighting, shading, everything, is superb. It comes with a lot of different levels to explore and see what it can create. It has many assets. It’s just amazing. I thank the Devs for making it free on January, but if anyone wants a scene like this that’s production-ready, THIS is the pack to get!
really good
its very good looking and has everything you need to make a creepy factory scene.
Awesome. Excellent detail.
Excellent detail.
Very Good
A very nice pack, with nice examples. Thanks for the work! BR
en revision
estoy descargando para probar. la idea de ser accesible es valorada
Good fine
good 1
amazing assets
I’ve use it making my first map, I love it!
exellent work
fanstastic work
fabulous asset
i wold like to tell evryone to use it in there project
it is very good
Very cool but encounter some problem try using the assets…
First, THX for this pack. I really like the assets and demo maps you’ve included :D
But, sadly, when I export the assets, which seem ot work fine and import them in UE4 v. 4.15 to use them in Unreal Tournament, no matter what settings I change in the import windows, some meshes appear ok and others appear very dark. when I apply the material on the mesh. I’ve recreated all materials, material instances and they alll look fine in Unreal Tournament content browser but when I apply the material on the mesh, they appear very dark!
I’ve changed many options in the export and import windows working with UE4 4.24.1 and 4.15 simultaneously but I just can’t get the import work correctly in UE4 4.15. Only 30% of all your assets is working in 4.15 :(
I’m a mapper and don’t know anything about modeling, texturing, UV’s and all that stuff. I’m trying to use your awesome assets in another version of the engine but just can’t for the moment.
Since I do not found an option to replay to BreakMaker, I had to edit my first post.
I do not migrate the assets. I export all meshes in FBX . No matter the FBX version I select when I export (2011 – 2018), the export process work fine. But when I import the meshes in 4.15, while again, the process work file, the meshes aren’t usable. They appear grey-dark-like. Around 40% of the meshes can be used in 4.15 since they look as in 4.24.2.
I give 3 stars because if I can’t use more or less half of the assets in a pack in a earlier UE4 version, the pack is useless. I’ve redone all master materials and all material nodes are the same so the meshes shouldn’t look problematic. And I don’t understand why some meshes are ok and others aren’t while they use the exact same materials which look fine in 4.15 and have the exact same settings that 4.24.2. I always check and redo all the assets settings when I import them in 4.15 to be sure that all of the assets (textures, mats, meshes) use the same settings. And believe me, they do.
So, I raise up the stars. Indeed, if I use a up-to-date UE4 version, the assets aren’t problematic. So, yes, I change my vote giving 5 stars but I hope I would be able to use the assets after communicating with the dev team on Facebook :)
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Latest Reply from Publisher
Sorry for the delay, it was an intensive month for us.
Of course, we do not have support for the previous version of the engine and this is clear in the description. It would be nice if you could change the score to rate our content.
But the content should of course work with 4.15. Write to us https://www.facebook.com/ScansFactory/ We will glad try to help you with this.
Hi, that is unlikely the fault of the creator of this content, so it is a bit unfair to give 3 stars for that.
First of all, it is clearly indicated that the assets are supported from 4.19 upwards. If you back- migrate to 4.15 it is your own doing (maybe some shader instructions in the materials are not compatible with earlier engine versions). Secondly, have you build lighting?
Excellent work
Excellent work
I like the maps, how they are making it. is looking really good and the creators are also friendly and good. keep on going!
Bell Rodrigo
That you very much.Really awesome detail.I have different style first person style game i will use this in.
joker now to gust west com
good material
good material
Looks prety good !
Good ehrbrbb
Great Pack!
I used this pack to build my first scene.
I really liked how not only did it come with pre-built buildings, but it came with the pieces to build them so you could customize your own buildings using the prefab materials.
Looking forward to see what other stuff these guys make!
Here are my scenes if you are interested in what I made:
wow, never scene a more realistic scene.
As the title said it, this is … “uncanny valley”. I checked both the night and the day scene in VR and they are just breathtaking. The moon is a bit too large fro my taste though but it definetely adds to the atmoshpere :D
Latest Reply from Publisher
Thanks! :)
You should share Your results!
Highly detailled environnement. Thank you
Very good!
Very Nice!
Very nice asset pack!
One suggestion though. For performance reasons, please add Tesselation Distance Fade logic on the input to the Tesselation Mulitiplier in the Landscape Material.
Latest Reply from Publisher
Yes, we definitely should do this. Will be with update 3. Thanks for support! :)
very nice
very nice
very good
very good addon
Really good
Really Nice
Everything looks nice!!!
Wonderful pack !!
I truly appreciate this with all my heart !! Amazing work !!
sow cool
Not bad,thanks!
Not bad,thanks!
Incredible quality
What a nice give! Thank you so much and happy new year!
Latest Reply from Publisher
Just after New Year’s eve? :D
Yeah, Happy New Year Everybody! :]
Good work
Of all the chimneys, smoke comes. I wonder who it is in an abandoned factory that burns coal? Probably the ghosts of the workers.
Latest Reply from Publisher
There is another idea by Unreal Environments – Speed Level Design:
“who knows… maybe someone is cooking crystal meth”
update broke image preview
ive already got htis and its SWEET , image preview got broke after update.
Latest Reply from Publisher
Hi, Thanks for help and supporting us! :)
Which one preview? content browser? I didn’t see nothing wrong.
Can You help us with details? Best please send us screenshot at scansfactory@gmail.com
exelente aporte muchas gracias
Latest Reply from Publisher
We hope it will be useful! :)
Awesome pack with so much detail! Thank you so very much!!
I’ve had my eyes on this product for some time now… can’t believe it is free! I’m in love with it! Thank you for your kindness towards the community!
Latest Reply from Publisher
And thanks for great Epic to make it possible! :)
Great pack :)
Looks just awesome. I can imagine very atmospheric scenes done with these. Highly recommended!
Great pack for this value!
Lots of great meshes, tons of textures, nice materials and everything is well optimized. Additionaly buildings are modular which is awesome. Demo scenes that shows what can be achieved with those assets are included. Very well done. I cannot recommend this pack highly enough!
Really awesome pack!
This pack is really great. Hope to see more! I definitely recommend!
Good Pack
Good Pack
Really nice
I really like this pack. It has great looking assets and materials. I would definitely recommended it.
I can’t wait to see next updates :D
Top quality content!
Probably the best art assets you can find on marketplace :D
I recommend the package!
The number of objects and their quality is very good. The package is great in terms of both visual and technical aspects.
The example scene works very smoothly. Objects have a small number of vertices and simple but effective materials.
Great asset pack!
Great asset pack from both, technical and visual standpoint. I would recommend it to everyone who’s looking for a set of realistic models.
Thank you for 100% discount.
what?! free
You guys just had it on sale and I bought it last week. now its free!!! I feel stupid… I still gave it 5 starts because its an amazing asset
Latest Reply from Publisher
Thanks for supporting us! :)
Write to us.. Maybe we can make something extra for You :)
Fantastic Art Work
I’ve been looking for some assets to improve an industrial area of my game and these are perfect! The demo level (which may exclude the interiors…) are well put together and demonstrate the product very well.
The quality of the product is amazing, and I was lucky enough to get this for free!
If I were to be buying assets in the future I’ll look to these guys.
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Latest Reply from Publisher
And yeah! Update 2 is now ready to downloading. Please be careful if You already use our package(changes in namespace). If You have any questions please write to us. If you are not sure about update please contact us also. https://www.facebook.com/ScansFactory/.
We hope it will be usefull for You! :)
Reply from Publisher
That’s great.
About demo level with simple interiors we already sent updated maps to Epic yesterday :) We don’t know if it will be add on this “free content month” but if not … we will definitely add Update 2 on the beginning of February :)
If You need this earlier just send us email.
Fast in answers of user question. Very community friendly.
Fast in answers of user question. Very community friendly.
I look forward to your great interior map update in January. Very kind of you.
Interior never comes out
I messaged developers about interiors they said it would have come out, it has passed 3-4 months no update comes out a bit disappointed
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Latest Reply from Publisher
And there is even new free update 3 with extra 80 meshes to create interiors! :)
I hope it will helpful and you can update your review! :)
Scans Factory
Reply from Publisher
Please check out new Update 2 and rate again our product! :)
Reply from Publisher
Update 2 is now ready to downloading. Please be careful if You already use our package(changes in namespace). If You have any questions please write to us. If you are not sure about update please contact us also. https://www.facebook.com/ScansFactory/.
We hope it will be usefull for You! :)
Thank you ScansFactory for your nice answer. Great to hear. I also read you promise for Jan/Dec for Update 2 now on the questions/answers page, so I also do not understand this user, to give you such a low rating with this kind of reason.
Thank you for such nice updates!
Reply from Publisher
Hard to hear that. Especial because we start to add free simply interiors only because customers wanted it.
Fact is we already upgrade package 3-4 month ago with new meshes included every asset needed to build interiors. But we still didn’t update only maps to present this. Like we showed on our social media that’s simple and it works with assets already included. And like for other people we can send you this WIP map in every moment.
There was many reasons we didn’t finish this extra content. We answered you on question section that updated maps will be december/january. We have some delay because we preparing for marketplace some surprise also.
Sorry for inconvenient. Score 1/5 hurting us much and we hope it’s not real score of our content. We hope you can change your mind.
And again if you want this WIP map from screenshots on our social-media – just write to us. Full update 2 will be on January. If you have some feedback for this or next packages please let us know.
An News on this?
I was disappointed as well that the models weren’t closed out or had interiors but it looks like they’re working to add them.
Great work
Very high quality asset pack with easy to edit materials/textures!
No Complaints
Very nice asset. Looks incredible.
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Sure. 3 stars, but still for the price it seems somewhat lazy not to provide closed off prefabs for people that are creating large open world maps where your assets will blend in with a bunch of other similar brick building assets I own. Its just a lot of work is all. Especially since your description is somewhat vague and plus you don’t provide any pictures showing a bunch of them to just be unclosed models. Looking forward to them closed off and I’ll 5 star the asset.
Latest Reply from Publisher
Hi, Glad that you like our content :)
About your problem i assume you are talking about this new prefabs from last package update. After feedback from buyers we added this to faster blockout new maps. Basically if something not have backfaces that’s because technical/optimization reasons(for most of cases there is no need to render extra polygons). Many games doing this that way and we think it’s a good idea for our content.
I wish you took it differently and you change your mind. Mark 1/5 is not little too harsh for package?
In the meantime we are preparing next Update 2(december/january). We will add for you extra version closed prefab to building also in center of map. Some will have simple interiors. I hope it will be useful.
If you have more feedback please let us know here or contact at scansfactory@gmail.com
AAA stuff
Good stuff. Worth the price.
Value added suggestions is MORE blueprint prefabs with doors and windows as added component. Makes gray boxing easier as well as interiors possible and if prefab addition is on going keeps the shelf life fresh.
What it says on the tin, not all assets super ‘game ready’
Generally these are really well processed, highly detailed scans. The prop type stuff is perfection. There’s also maybe a bit too much lighting information in the albedo textures – the delighting process could possibly be improved a touch. Some noticible seams on some of the larger building pieces
Would have loved to see some of the larger surfaces built from materials and decals created with scan data but in a procedural manner allowing for a detail texture setup and easy scalability etc – as it stands some of the brick walls fall apart when you get too close and you end up by nature with heavy memory usage when every texel need’s it’s own bespoke data.
If I was using this scan data for a game I’d want to process it myself into a procedural texturing set, but this pack is great at getting a look fast if you’re not too worried about optimisation.
Latest Reply from Publisher
Thanks so much for feedback. We agree with many, we would like to explain some.
Scans are very specific material. It is extremely difficult to preserve all this detail and process it into procedural elements. It is possible but the time of work on such assetes would be several dozen times longer. In our opinion, it is much better to spend time on more assets, materials and lighting. At the same time, performance is mainly on the texture side. We had created modular models and reuse them. As a result, the whole in memory takes about 0.5 GB where nowadays 4GB and more is standard. I worked on it on the GTX660 and had min. 30 FPS from the game. Of course, it all depends on the perspective and specific requirements of the project. If anyone will have technical questions before buy – we encoruge you to contanct with us at scansfactory@gmail.com.
More about scans in real-time on interview with us: https://80.lv/articles/photogrammetry-in-environment-design/.
Again, thanks for the feedback! :)
lights not working when i render
when i click on render no lights are working if i place a new light the new lighting is working so please give a solution for this
Latest Answer from Publisher
Please check documentation in part about how to disable black fade/menu.
For the fast answer – it’s probably level streaming of lighting levels. Please check which sublevels are loaded and turn on what you need.
If any problems, please let us know at support@scansfactory.com
Disable menu – rendering out cinematic sequence
Is there a way to disable or remove the start menu and have it default to the night scene when rendering out a cinematic sequence? The render captures the menu and I have to press G to start before my sequence is captured.
Latest Answer from Publisher
Please check the documentation section Rendering Problem (disable black startup fade / menu).
If any problems, let us know at support@scansfactory.com
Nanite Update
At the moment these assets are not Nanite Compatible as they have Bad Nanite Ratios with more Vertices than Triangles. Is there any thoughts on doing an update to fix the assets ?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Interesting question. Right now Epic just recommended using Nanite on every possible mesh because of better works with new features + generally less memory size. Besides that of course Nanite will work on different meshes differently. And there are better and worse meshes match for nanite. In future Engine updates, I believe it will be unified somehow and for now, developers and marketplace creators are somewhere between.
And about questions directly. Please let us know with details when the problem occurs, which meshes refer to, and on what engine version you tested it. Any screens, documentation, or suggestions you have. Best on support@scansfactory.com. If that will be wise and possible we will include it in our work. Thank You!
Can I use the premade buildings for develop my game
Latest Answer from Publisher
Of course! :)
Hey there! I’ve got this in Unity…
Hey Scans Factory. I’ve been using this asset pack in Unity for a while and I’ve decided I am going to remake my game in UE5 as its just so amazing. I was wondering if I had to rebuy this asset in UE5 as I’ve already bought it for Unity. Loving the look of your latest packs. Probably some of the best looking on the Marketplace for sure!
Thanks man
Latest Answer from Publisher
Thanks for your very kind words! Please send us an email at support@scansfactory.com
What real world buildings/items/models did you reference when making this assets?
Working on using them for educational an educational game, so knowing what was referenced would be helpful.
Latest Answer from Publisher
Few interviews about our work you can find here: https://80.lv/articles/photogrammetry-in-environment-design/ and here: https://80.lv/articles/urban-abandoned-district-making-ue4-content-for-sale-with-3d-scans/
Generally, there are a few places in Poland that are so damaged that you can make scans of them easily :) Silesia district is one of them :)
Old French Wwii houses/barns
Howdy ! I think you guys should make a Wwii pack like from hell let loose. Would be amazing to have a Wwii pack as there are literally zero on the marketplace.
Latest Answer from Publisher
Beautiful for sure! :) We have some very similar buildings. Maybe when we have some time, we’ll think about making them! Thanks for the idea!
Polish language signs
In the process of laying out a level I noticed there are some signs in polish language.
Could these be separated to make the buildings more universal ? (my game has all the writing in english)
If not i’ll just mask them with props so not a huge issue – just something that narrows the use case for the pack or forces certain design decisions.
Love the quality of your work – thanks!
Latest Answer from Publisher
Thanks, sure we will do this.
We are preparing a bigger update for that package and it will be a great occasion. Should be released in the next 1-2 months.
Will this be updated for UE5.1/5.2?
We are looking to buy many of your products for the Black Friday Sale, but it seems nothing has been updated for UE5.1/5.2 and no Lumen or Nanite support. When will these products be updated?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Hard to say. We have a lot of problems with UE5.1 for now. Additionally, we want to make a bigger update to properly support Nanite and Lumen.
The first package will be Lost Temple Cave. We also working on Medieval Fantasy Ruins and urban packages.
Low Poly
This is said to be low Poly, But reading through some of these remarks, I am curious about optimization. Can you post some wire-frames of the assets?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Hi, please write us an e-mail at scansfactory@gmail.com because we can’t post pictures here.
Scans Factory