Construction Site: Loader
Release date: Apr 12, 2021
Construction Site: Loader
Release date: Apr 12, 2021

📷 Watch Flythrough (recorded on UE4 before Update 1)
📷 Watch Walkthrough (recorded on UE4 before Update 1)
📷 UE5 support Video
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✅UPDATE 2 (5.0+)
-collision, structure, namespace fixes
-much better models of bricks
-nanite and lumen support for 5.1+
-new additional sample map
-add particles and few ground meshes
-support UE5(Loader Mechanics moves to chaos)
-update demo map with new lighting
-update base materials with details map
Construction site environment with driving front-end loader. The Loader has moving parts and its wheels deform the landscape. You can move the spoon up and down and eject its contents. You can activate the lamps or the brake with buttons. Loader based on a scanned photorealistic vehicle – parts have changed and have been adapted to our version.
In addition, you have objects to build a destroyed environment.
Check our other products here based on scans: Unreal Marketplace. And find out more information about us HERE
Technical Details
Be aware that Unreal 5 now has Lumen enabled by default. We still support a more game-ready pipeline, and you should disable this feature in your project settings to get results like our screenshots for 5.0. We added support for Lumen and Nanite with version 5.1+. Could look a little different than the original. You can check DEMO to see the differences.
- Rigged, drivable, playable vehicle(based on great default UE4 vehicle template) with movable parts(wheel, spoon, excavator’s arm). Works with chaos on UE5
- static mesh version of Loader+ vehicle parts
- buttons to animate parts
- game ready and optimized
- deformed landscape by wheels
- big container
- 3 camera views
Number of Meshes: 33
Number of Unique Meshes: 18-23
Collision: Yes, custom and automatically generated
Vertex Count: 266-2500 tris most of objects and up to 59,126 for full bulldozer
LODs: Yes, auto-generated
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 105
Number of Textures: 153
Texture Resolutions:
- 4096 for larger objects
- 2048-4096 most props
- 512-1024 small props
- Terrain: 4096×4096
Supported Development Platforms: Windows PC (should work with others)
Intended Platforms: Desktop, Console, VR
Important/Additional Notes:
For Sky-textures we used great CC0 free textures from PolyHaven: link
If you need any help or additional information please write to us at
Must buy
Perfect asset, useful for construction sites
Good job
I really like it, the model is well designed and the controls are cool.
Amazing assets (but heavy on performance)
These are extremely high quality assets (as usual), but there are a lot of texture maps, so its important to know it might have to be further optimized
Really Amazing!
thanks for create this!
Amazing Asset!!
Thank you so much for giving this amazing asset for free!
zdfgsfjg kk
Thank you
Thank you
lader han sche
wenns funktioniert kannts guad sa
bel gioco
bel gioco
good game
Thank you for applying the discounts
这是一套比较少见的扫描材质,专门针对工地/垃圾环境,很写实。令人惊喜的是这套资产里面还送了一个可以跑的挖掘机,虽然看骨骼上的规则应该是基于UE4 自带的车辆模板改造而来。
模型总数不多,33个,但是因为大部分是一些工业垃圾,随机性较高,所以分布起来也看不出明显的 Tiling,模型量都做过优化主要模型量在 5K 以内,贴图也做了区分,大尺寸模型贴图是4K,小模型控制在 1K 以内,优化不错。
Good job
quarlity is goog!!
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Epic-moderate team will delete such reviews :( If this is not spam please add any description to it to support our work :)
Scans Factory Team
Latest Reply from Publisher
Epic-moderate team will delete such reviews :( If this is not spam please add any description to it to support our work :)
Scans Factory Team
top de mas
achei o gráfico muito bonito e me chamou muito a atenção
good job
thank you
nice job
very good asset
Scans Factory does top-notch work
The Scans guys are on fire recently.
They’ve always had top-notch packs and good customer support. Their last two packs have been some of, if not the best environment asset packs ever released. Of course, these packs have always come at a cost. In the past, if you wanted a premiere pack from the Scans guys, you had to pony up a fair bit of cash. For some of us, it was out of reach.
Well, all that changed in June 2022 with their best sale yet. Just a few days later, and now we have one of their packages available for free. Yes, free!
Like all of their other works. This one is AAA+. Textures are detailed and on-point. No muddy or misaligned work here. Models are realistically proportioned and documentation is good. Best of all, the backhoe is a ton of fun to just toy around with in-engine. They even employ scooping effects that look surprisingly good.
Take note marketplace sellers, Scan’s Factory is the platinum standard on how to build buyer loyalty and be successful in this competitive space.
tree bien
tree bien
Awesome pack as always, high-quality assets and, importantly, very well-optimized
The quality of the meshes and textures is unquestionable, impressive details all the way.
best ok
Great details & amount of content for resonable price!
Great content.
Great and polished assets. Lovely package. :D
E P I C!!
Really Amazing Assets. Its Sooo Beautiful
Water Mark
I tried to use your “Construction Site”, but when I rendered the scene into a movie, a picture of one of your poster comes up. How do I remove this Watermark?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Oh it should be easy by get rid of widgets of the menu. You should found it in our documentations.
Sorry for inconvenient. We are realized that more and more people using that to rendering. And because of that we are starting deleted all of the menu and widgets for new updates :)
If any problems let us know.
Can’t access video
I cannot access the video or documentation. Unreal says that “You have arrived here from an untrusted site.”
Any ideas of what’s going on?
Latest Answer from Publisher
It’s normal behavior of Unreal Engine Marketplace. Any link to any outside site has that warning. We have videos on Youtube. I believe it’s enough safe :)
If any doubts let me know.
Hello, can you please state the usage terms? Is this product okay to use in a saleable game? for example if i used assets from this pack, in my own games, whats the licsening terms? C00? would be nice to know!
Latest Answer from Publisher
With game products, it’s very easy. You can use the whole content(models, maps, efects) as you want. Just you can’t share with customers source files as textures, or models themselves.
Here is more information about marketplace if you need:
Digger does not move along the recorded path when playing the sequence!
After recording movement of the digger through take recorder, when i play the sequence the digger stays at one place and does not move, only the wheels keep rotating and turning. When i scrub through level sequence timeline, the digger moves along the recorded path, but not when i play it! The recorded animation also shows the same with the digger not moving along a path, only the wheels, arm and loader are animated. Help in this regard will be greatly appreciated, since we bought this product only to have a sequence play where the player can see the digger doing its thing aka pushing rubble into a ditch to make the ground level.
Latest Answer from Publisher
can you send us a screen with your setup to: ? It can help us to reproduce your problem.
You probably don’t add a loader actor to the sequencer, but the screen will help us figure it out.
Best regards,
The environment is alread assmbled?
Hi, I´d like to know if there´s a level with the scene assembled, or just assets to kitbash.
Latest Answer from Publisher
Contains all the scenes :) They come with an update, so the videos might be a bit outdated :(
We were on Christmas break, sorry if you needed an answer sooner. If you want more direct contact, please visit our Discord channel: JOIN
UE 5.1
Many thanks for this. Are there any plans to be updated to UE 5.1?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Yes, there is a plan. We want to add nanite and lumen support also with the UE 5.1 version.
First such update will be for the Lost Temple Cave package. Hard to say when we will be able to do it for that package.
UE5 landscape deformation
Hello, thank you for this asset! I would like to know what exact blueprint has the deformation logic. I want to have default UE vehicle deforming the landscape.
Best Answer from Publisher
Please write to us at :)
//edit ok We added instructions to the documentation :)
Answer yet?
Just wondering if you had come up with any ideas from my question from June the 16th yet.
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Latest Answer from Publisher
And finally, here we are.
Our programmer gives us an answer that recording moving loader could be done with the help of Take Recorder
After recording movement with the use of take recorder, you will get animation in a sequencer with all the loader movements. Then you can do with it whatever you want :)
Again sorry for the late answer. It’s something we didn’t do before. But I hope now it will help more people :)
Scans Factory Team
Answer from Publisher
We are back after long holiday. Sorry for the late answer.
We ask programmer again. He promised to give us an answer in 1-2 days. Sorry that you need to wait again. Like I answered you before – we just recorded Loader in a game mode and have no knowledge of how it could be done with use of sequencer. I hope our programmer will help with it :)
Scans Factory
how to add a landscape on a new map?
Can you explain to me how to add soil to the newly created area?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Please write to us at with a description of what you exactly want to do :)
100% discount
Great Pack, for how long is it free? If i buy it now will it start detucting money in the second month?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Hi, like always there is a monthly rotation for a free package, so you need to hurry :) And about the second question – if you take it for free it will be able for you always, and you never have to pay for it. You can always read some more about the free content program here:
Sponsored Content – Unreal Engine
So grab your free content and don’t forget to leave a review :)
Best regards,
Scans Factory Team
I can’t figure out how to record in the sequncer while in play mode. I’ve added the loader, but it will not move after recording. How did you record the scenes you showed in your videos?
Latest Answer from Publisher
We just record it from play-mode without a sequencer :)
I will ask our programmer if there is the possibility to control this pawn from a sequencer. And I will back to You with an answer! :)
Playable demo not working
Hello, thank you for creating this amazing environment! However, I have an issue with the playable character inside of demo_p. Once in control of the actor, I can only jump, but cannot control walking movement, as my character was stuck in one place. How do you fix this problem? I would love to try the tractor blueprint.
Latest Answer from Publisher
The pack is based on a modified Third Person template, after adding it to your project you need to change Default GameMode in Project Settings to our BP_BulldozerGameMode. All steps are in our instruction on the label “first steps”: link
Here is also instruction on how to do this on UE5: link
If You will have any questions let us know! :)
Recap & Furthermore: Awesome pack & no biggie question
Awesome! Will the download be in your description of this product or in the question thread? Also, does this pack come with those destructible walls (Chaos?) and bricks the tractor was knocking down and scooping up and can the bricks be stacked to make a larger wall/complete wall purhaps?
Best Answer from Publisher
All meshes from the video are included – bricks, containers, debris, rubbles, concrete barriers, etc. (33 meshes), and of course demo scene :) You can build your own walls from brick or use any object with physics to interact with Loader. Link for the input file you can be found in the documentation or under the video “[SCANS] Construction Site – UE5 Support” (
Scans Factory
BPs Missing
I’ve followed the documentation to get everything working in UE5, and when I try to run one of the maps I get 2 Blueprint Compiliation Errors, for BP_VehicleCharacter and bp_WheelEffect_01_01. The Bulldozer BP that is referenced in the docs is missing which might be causing the problems. I’ve tried re-downloading the pack and re-adding to the project, it’s still missing. Is this intentional, and is there a work-around?
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Latest Answer from Publisher
Great to hear that! Which was more helpful for you – text documentation or video tutorial on YouTube? We are still wondering whether to record this type of video.
Have fun with the scene! :)
Scans Factory
I went through all of the steps from scratch again and now it seems to be working, so user error I guess. I think it might have been the Chaos Vehicle plugin not being enabled! The content looks great, and the inclusion of the tracks in the mud is a great bonus, thank you!
The blueprints has a lot of errors! Do you have intention to fix that?
Latest Answer from Publisher
We made an update to UE5 with a whole new system for Loader blueprint. It shows errors by default because you need to turn on Chaos vehicle plugin. We needed to do this because UE5 no longer supports PhysX(UE4).
To make it work with Chaos you need to do a few additional steps. Links are in the descriptions. Probably video instruction will be best:
If you will have any problems let us know at
Awesome pack & no biggie question
Hey there, great pack here and thanks for making it free for the month!!!! Does this by any chance, and not that it matters too much given its a great pack, come with the sounds equipped on the rig in your video showcase? Again, sweet pack!!
Latest Answer from Publisher
Thank you!
All sounds are delivered with the pack, but we probably had a problem with the engine sound on the Unreal Engine 5. An update was made yesterday, I think it will be available for download in a moment.
UE5 is out now for a while – will UE5 update come anytime soon?
If UE5 will be supported soon? How soon?
Update: Thanks for your reply. I was just wondering if I must grab this now already (while the sale is on) if you have plans for UE5 update?
Latest Answer from Publisher
We are still investigating the problems. There was a few bigger change here. We will have more answers next week and we will inform You.
Other Engine use?
Can i use this in another engine to create non commercial Artworks?
Latest Answer from Publisher
You can probably use this any way you want for non-commercial purposes :)
But please check here is some more information about that:
Scans Factory
Chaos vehicle plugin
Hi, how do you get it working with the chaos vehicle plugin / UE5? Thanks.
Latest Answer from Publisher
Hi, we haven’t tested how this package works with UE5 yet. We will definitely support it when we can do official support for the new version of the engine.
That’s a front-end loader, not a bulldozer.
Any other heavy equipment?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Ah :) You probably have right. Funny thing is we ask few friends about name and 100% of them pick “Bulldozer”.. and we just leave that. But if that obvious for others that this is loader then we should change name. Thanks :)
Of course we have other heavy equipment. Bulldozer also :) There will be new packages if our customers will like packages like this :)
Scans Factory
Can the vehicle be modified?
I have a model of another vehicle that I plan to use in my game. I want it to have the same effects as the one in this pack. Can the bulldozer be changed to work with my model?
Latest Answer from Publisher
For sure there is no problem to adapt landscape deforming, mud and water effect etc. And if you ask about model itself with extra function and animations.. this probably should be do separate. We based on Epic vehicle system what should help a lot but in this same time this is not plug and play operation :) Unless you also have similar bulldozer that it should work :)
I hope it somehow answer your question. If not please write to us at We will gladly answer your questions :)
Scans Factory